Category Archives: Vanilla Bean Unique Cookies

Cookies (Not the High-Tech Kind)

Cookies from the Union Square Cafe restaurant

Cookies from the Union Square Cafe restaurant

Who doesn’t like a good cookie?  Cookies are fun to eat, tasty, and sometimes even delicious.  And snacking on a few cookies doesn’t seem nearly as decadent as wolfing down an entire slice of cake.

But what about encountering thousands of homemade cookies?  Well, if you’re lucky enough to be invited to a wedding reception in western Pennsylvania, or parts of Ohio, or West Virginia, you might be tempted by cookie tables.  The bride’s relatives start the cookie baking weeks or even months in advance.   To make sure guests don’t go through sugar deprivation the next day, they may be provided with take-out containers so they can enjoy left-over cookies.

Chocolate Chunk Cookie from Insomnia Cookies

Insomnia Cookies’ Chocolate Chunk Cookie

What if you’re struck with a cookie craving later at night and you don’t feel like baking?  If you live near one of the thirty-two locations of Insomnia Cookies, order online and get your cookies delivered.  Of the many cookie varieties offered by Insomnia Cookies, chocolate chunk is the best-selling standard-size cookie and S’mores is the most popular large-size cookie.  Seth Berkowitz founded Insomnia Cookies from his dorm room at the University of Pennsylvania.  He wanted more late night food options than what was available so he began baking and delivering warm cookies while still a student.

Margarita Sandwich Cookies from Vanilla Bean Unique Cookies

Margarita Sandwich Cookies from Vanilla Bean Unique Cookies

I first tasted Margarita Sandwich Cookies from Vanilla Bean Unique Cookies at the Fancy Food Show.  (See the Day 2 of the Summer Fancy Food Show Posting.)  Since I’m not a fan of Tequila, I didn’t think I would like these cookies.  Boy was I wrong!  These shortbread sandwich cookies are sweet, slightly tart, and slightly salty.  The founders, Debbie Smith and Sandra Wharton, said Margarita Sandwich Cookies were developed as a result of a slight mistake.  They were in the process of creating Cherry Chip Cordial cookies and realized they did not like the Cherry Chip Cordial Cookie in a shortbread form.  Debbie and Sandra then thought about other unique shortbread flavor combinations that would work and the Margarita Sandwich Cookie was born.

Let’s hear it for cookies!


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